This listing was last updated by the Crystal Lake organiser on: 2025-01-08
In McHenry County, the first Wednesday of each month is Green Wednesday!
Transit Fiscal Cliff
January 8, 2025
Socializing begins at 5pm, program begins at 5:45 pm
In-person at Duke's Alehouse & Kitchen in Crystal Lake and on Zoom
Due to lingering effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, our regional transit system (CTA, Metra & Pace with oversight by the RTA) is facing a $730 million annual budget gap beginning in 2026. This transit "fiscal cliff" needs to be addressed during the upcoming State legislative session to avoid dramatic service cuts, fare increases, or both. A strong public transit system is the Chicago Region's greatest tool in the fight against climate change both by achieving a zero-emission system, and by encouraging more people to shift from cars to transit.
Speakers from the Regional Transportation Authority, Pace, Metra, and the McHenry County Division of Transportation will provide an overview of the public transit fiscal cliff and discuss ways transit could be improved with additional State operating funding.
Kendra Johnson, Regional Transportation Authority
Katelyn Dote, Metra
Edward Gallagher, Pace
Scott Hennings, McHenry County Division of Transportation
Pre-registration is requested for Zoom attendance.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Zoom link here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Program begins at 5:45 pm.
Cohosted by The Environmental Defenders of McHenry County and Duke’s Alehouse and Kitchen
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